There are more and more people looking for information on how to write a cursive capital K since cursive writing isn’t being taught as frequently in schools. If you came across this page in search of information on how to write a cursive capital K, you’ll be glad to find we have two resources that should help you do exactly that. There is a video that goes into detail about the correct way to write a cursive K which also details some of the mistakes that are commonly made by beginners when they first try to write this letter. There’s also a cursive capital K worksheet that has trace lines to help you make sure you get the correct cursive stroke down. While there are many different types of cursive fonts, and one type is no better than another, this page uses D’Nealian cursive to teach cursive writing. D’Nealian cursive is the cursive font taught to most students in the US and is one of the easier cursive fonts for beginners to learn.
How to Write a Cursive Capital “K”
The capital cursive K is a cursive letter that isn’t difficult to write, but it isn’t exactly easy to write either. It falls somewhere in the middle which means that it’ll take a bit more practice than some of the easier letters to master. That being said, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get down with practice. The best way to approach learning to write a cursive capital K is not to sit down and begin writing, but rather to simply watch a video on how to properly write it. This gives you the advantage of being able to see the correct stroke while also noting mistakes to avoid when you do write it. Watching the video several times will help you to more quickly master the writing than if you tried to write it on your own simply by looking at it.
After spending some studying the video, you should feel confident enough to try and write a cursive K on paper. By far the best way to approach this is to print out a cursive capital K worksheet and use that in combination with watching the video once again. This will allow you to trace the cursive K while following the video to ensure you avoid beginner mistakes. After doing this a few times, you should gain the confidence to try writing the cursive capital K freehand without any other help. Continue to practice this way while referencing the video and worksheet if needed to confirm you’re correctly writing the cursive capital K. With enough practice, you should master the cursive K and be ready to move onto other cursive letters.
Try one of the worksheets
By utilizing the resources on this page, you should have the foundational information needed to master how to write a cursive capital K. If that’s been the case and you’ve found the cursive capital K worksheet and video useful, please let others who may benefit from these resources know about it. We’d love for more teachers and home school parents to realize these resources are available to them to help teach cursive writing. Please also take a minute to make a comment to us about what you like and don’t like about this page so we can continue to improve it.